Knowledge Base type: Analysis

Decolonisation of humanitarianism

The ladder of empowerment

What I learned about racism by listening to people who experience it

Antiracism: the willingness to understand others

Black Lives Matter is also a reckoning for foreign aid and international NGOs

Can a chief executive ‘apologise’ for racism and stay?

Collection of PRIO Research on Racism, Inequality and Discrimination

Wit Huiswerk

Different Types of Privilege, Including White Privilege – Explained

Sexual Exploitation and Abuse: Risk Management Toolkit

This Toolkit provides a systematic approach to managing risks relating to sexual exploitation and abuse of the population by humanitarian employees. It takes a victim-centred approach. The different phases identified by the Toolkit are (1) understanding the context and identifying risks, (2) assessing risks, (3) treating risks, (4) monitoring risks and (5) communicating and coordinating on risks.