• - Photo MSF -
  • Griekenland 10 september 2015 Vele vluchtelingen willen de grens over steken naar Macedonie. De politie van Macedonie laat ze passeren maar dat gaat gepaard met veel schreeuwen en soms slaan. foto: ARIE KIEVIT

KUNO: Platform for Humanitarian Knowledge Exchange in the Netherlands

The Netherlands is one of the biggest humanitarian players in the world, and the Dutch humanitarian field is broad and diverse. Varied expertise is available from academics, policymakers, practitioners, entrepreneurs, and others. Cross-sectoral exchange of knowledge, however, is modest, and translating existing knowledge into new actions and policies remains a challenge. KUNO facilitates knowledge sharing and reflection. In this way, KUNO helps the Dutch humanitarian sector to innovate and jointly meet challenges of the future. | MORE


  1. "We had to change our humanitarian assistance in Ukraine after the war started"

    11-Jul-24 | Article Pamela Hajal is Lebanese and is working for Dorcas in the Netherlands as a Humanitarian Assistance Expert and Strategic Programme Advisor. Since the beginning of this year, she has been supporting Dorcas’ country office in Ukraine and she is also supporting other country offices in humanitarian technical aspects. She is passionate about what she does and has a strong belief in the human capacity to make the world a better place for everyone.
  2. Trying to help our teams in South Sudan and Gaza is difficult, but I will do anything I can to support

    13-Jun-24 | Article Britt Dutour is a humanitarian program manager at Save the Children Netherlands. She supports her colleagues in South Sudan and Gaza with writing proposals, monitoring whether the program implementation is still according to plan, supporting the country office with the implementation of the program, and helps the country office with reporting. In addition, she supports advocacy and communication efforts from her colleagues in Save the Children Netherlands and her colleagues in other countries like Gaza and South Sudan, mainly through providing information on the project and engagement with stakeholders such as potential donors and government authorities.
  3. Looking back on the Sphere training

    9-May-24 | Article After the Sphere training, trainer Axel Schmidt and participants Susanne Heukensfeldt Jansen, Programme manager Humanitarian Assistance Cordaid; Wietske Nijman, International program specialist (including humanitarian affairs) at UNICEF; and Willem van Burgsteden, member of a Disaster Response team, shelter specialist and trained as a WASH engineer look back on the training and what they learned throughout this course.


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