"The world is changed by your example, not your opinion." –Paulo Coelho

About me

I have a diverse academic background in health, conflict resolution and international law. Throughout my studies, my passion has always been directed towards understanding and addressing the complex challenges in conflict zones, particularly within the humanitarian sector.

My research has delved into the intersection of various disciplines, combining legal with political perspectives to explore issues such as humanitarian access in the context of anti-terrorism regulations, as evidenced by my thesis.

Furthermore, my commitment to supporting and seeking justice for victims of war has led me to gain practical experience through internships. In my internship at the Nuhanovic Foundation, I had the privilege of supporting their work in litigation cases aimed at securing justice for victims of war crimes. Similarly, my tenure at the Mukwege Foundation involved supporting the needs of survivors of conflict-related sexual violence. Noteworthy, gender equality and the fight against sexual violence are very near to my heart.

With great enthusiasm I have recently embarked on a new role as a policy officer at KUNO, where I am excited to contribute to the organization alongside its dedicated team.

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