
Migration is no new phenomena and has occurred throughout history, however in the coming years (decades) it is expected to drastically increase. Climate change, persistent social-economic inequalities and religious conflicts are all strong drivers for forced migration and displacement.

Offering aid to refugees and Internal Displaced People (IDPs) will require increased attention and effort from humanitarian organizations. As we witness how refugee issues become more and more politicized: humanitarian NGOs on the ground can find themselves in the midst of complex political conflicts and/or legal allegations.

Migration and conflict often go hand-in-hand. Examples include the Sahel, Myanmar-Bangladesh, Afghanistan, the Americas, but also parts of Europe. Also, we continue to witness how poor policies fail to adequately provide for and care for refugees. Instead the growing use of state-initiated violence is being used to keep refugees out.
The result: (preventable) humanitarian crises,’ also impacting parts of the European Union.

What is the effect of the politicization – and even criminalization – of humanitarian action toward refugees and IDPs? What is the value and purpose of refugee law and international human rights? Should humanitarians advocate more firmly for basic human rights and humanitarian intervention on behalf of refugees and IDPs? And: what does global solidarity mean for the refugee and IDP issues and what would be the fair share of the West?

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