Knowledge Base type: Critics and next steps
International Ombuds for Humanitarian and Development Aid Scoping Study
The aim of this study is to assess whether there is a need for a humanitarian ombuds and, if so, how it might function and fit with existing governance mechanisms in the sector. It focuses on experienced aid practitioners rather than institutional responses.
Bijeenkomst voor Ontwikkelingsorganisaties en Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken over sexueel overschrijden gedrag (6 March, 2018)
DUTCH ONLY: Some short notes on a meeting for development organizations and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs about sexually transgressive behaviour. It clearly describes what the core points are to focus on in the future. It does not elaborate on how these points will be addressed.
Challenges and options in improving recruitment processes in the context of Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) by our own staff
This report outlines the challenges and options in improving recruitment processes in the context of PSEA within the UN system and NGO system (separately). The report outlines good practices and recommendations to be presented at the IASC Principals’ meeting in December 2013.
Sexual Violence by Peacekeepers against Children and Other Civilians: A Practical Guide for Advocacy
This article is written as a reponse to UN guidelines and steps that have been taken in response to SEA allegations. CRIN finds that the steps so far have fallen short of what is needed to ensure the safety of civilians, particularly children, from UN peacekeepers. This guide provides 10 recommendations for next steps to safeguard children and other civilians in the long-term. It suggests how to achieve these recommendations and with whom to partner.
A Humanitarian Ombudsman revisited?
This blog calls for a revisit of a call that was heard 20 years ago: to have an organization or mechanism to hold humanitarians to account. The blog discusses the opportunities, but also provides a critical stance towards an ombudsman. What would his task be? And who would be in charge in conflict-induced settings? What is the alternative? All these questions (and more) are discussed.
Being Good at doing good? Quality and Accountability of Humanitarian NGOs
Enhancing the quality and accountability is an issue that is being worked with in humanitarian organizations as we speak. However, this is done in niches, withoput a system-wide agreement that all organizations adhere to. This article discusses why it is important to create one overarching agreement and how this could be achieved. However, pitfals are the lack of a single definition (with multiple approaches present and overlapping), and the question of how and by whom quality standers could/should be imposed and controlled, making it unlikely to create one uniform sectoral approach to quality control.
A Blueprint for Professionalizing Humanitarian Assistance
The world of humanitarian assistance is growing and changing enoumously. In order to be able to deal with these growths, the authors describe seven recommendations that aim to professionalize the individuals that are working in humanitarian organizations to promote the quality and integrity of the workforce in terms of competence and skills: create an international professional association; provide certified trainings; open routes towards certification; focus on core competencies; provide accredited trainers; support the IHSA; and to aim for recognition from employers and states.
#MeToo sex scandals spur interest in standards for the aid sector
The slew of #MeToo sexual abuse scandals that has jolted the humanitarian sector has prompted calls for proper oversight and vetting of aid agencies and workers, and for the introduction of mandatory professional standards.
The humanitarian world is not populated by saints.
A blog by two aid workers who tell their experiences of working in the aid sector related to sexual abuse and assault. They call for a change from within.
Misstanden in de Noodhulp: een Rondetafelgesprek