ICVA and PHAP organized the first session in the learning stream on Navigating Change. The discussion provided an overview of the concept localization in the humanitarian sector, how it has evolved, and how it is currently used. Participants learned more about how governments, private donors, the business community, and diaspora actors see current opportunities, trends, and challenges. The potential impact of localization initiatives on principled and effective humanitarian action were also examined.
The event featured Dr. Rahmawati Husein, Advisory Board, Indonesian National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), Firzan Hashim from Asia-Pacific Alliance for Disaster Management Sri Lanka, and Rabiah Nasir-Habeeb, Trustee, Foundation for Refugee Economic Empowerment (F.R.E.E).
This webinar is part of the “Navigating Change” Learning Stream which includes a total of six webinars, briefing papers, and other resources.
Find the podcast version of the webinar here.

- Photo Stichting Vluchteling -