Postcards for Minister Kaag

Postcards for Minister Kaag
October 27, 2017 the new Dutch cabinet, Rutte III, started. In November and December Partos, the largest cooperation of development organizations in the Netherlands, and SAIL, the platform of Dutch international educational institutions, presented the newly appointed Minister of Aid & Trade, Sigrid Kaag, a letter. In this document urgent issues related to development cooperation and humanitarian interventions were presented. KUNO facilitated the input from humanitarian professionals to the policy letter. Here are the links to both the letter of Partos and SAIL and the supportive document.
Furthermore KUNO collected inspiring thoughts and messages from a handful of humanitarian frontrunners, both practitioners and academics. These messages were printed on postcards made by the young Dutch artist MasHab and delivered just before Christmas to the new Minister (and her most relevant policy officers). You will find the distinctive red-white-black drawings of MasHab, scattered around on many pages of our website.
The postcards were made in collaboration with MasHab and Studio Parkers